April 19, 2018

Welcome Ed Grable!


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We are excited to introduce our new full time Connect Director, Ed Grable. Ed is coming to us from the Toledo area where he and his wife, Lea, have lived and ministered for the past 7 years. He has an extensive military background, serving in the Navy during the Gulf War, as well as serving for 9 years in the Indiana National Guard. Ed has led several churches and comes to us with valuable life and counseling experience. The Grables have 3 adult children and 2 energetic grandkids, and enjoy watching movies and spending time with family in their free time.

As our Connect Director, Ed is part of our ministry resourcing team and will primarily be responsible for casting vision for our Life Group ministry, membership classes, and discipleship at both campuses. Connie Lyon and Scott Miller will both remain on staff part time as Life Group coaches helping to equip and support Life Group leaders.

We are excited to have Ed join our staff as he has a strong desire to see lives changed and relationships healed as people are connected to Jesus and one another. Please help us welcome Ed and Lea to Findlay and to our Gateway family.

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