January 25, 2021

A Student Led Series on the Gospel



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In our youth ministry at Gateway, we strive to find effective ways to help develop and raise up the next generation of Christ followers. One way we have done that is by providing opportunities which stretch our students’ faith through leading. During the month of January, the Gateway youth student leaders were challenged to prepare and lead our Sunday night teaching and to write small group questions to correspond with the teaching.

This year, our leadership team has been studying the book “Radical” by David Platt. He uses an analogy of a giant dam bursting open with the water rushing straight at you to illustrate the Gospel. The students were really excited about this imagery and have been using it as the main illustration to teach the Gospel to their peers on Sunday nights. With some guidance from the adults, they have done a fantastic job of preparing and leading each week. The response from the other students has been great! Some say it’s because anybody is better than hearing Adam again…..

As we continue to try to navigate this strange year, our student leadership team has been fantastic at helping us figure out innovative ways to connect with the students and help them connect to Jesus Christ. Not only are they teaching in person, but our student leaders are also helping create video content on a variety of social media platforms! If you haven’t already subscribed, find us on YouTube and Instagram at “gatewayepcyouth”.

Hopefully we will get back to normal in the coming months, but with students like these, no matter what challenges lay ahead of us, we know that we can expect big things from the youth ministry at Gateway!

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Stories, news, and resources for things happening at Gateway Church.