January 25, 2022

God is Working in the Next Generation: Journey 2021













Over New Year’s Eve, we took 64 students and 20 adults on our annual youth retreat called The Journey. This year’s theme was called Make It Matter, where the students learned to make their faith their own and how to impact those around them with the Gospel. We were very thankful to have David Rath come to lead the TBA’s (Team Building Activities). The worship band did a wonderful job at leading the students into a heartfelt time of worship, as well as a fun dance party for our midnight celebration. The students took part in a variety of breakout sessions including Being on Mission at School, Making the Most of the Bible, Athletics and Christ, Am I Really a Christian?, Stressed Out, Friends and Relationships.

Here is what a few students had to say about The Journey.

“After missing out on the Journey in 2020, the Journey 2021 made me realize how important it actually is. Being able to experience a couple of days with friends that I have been around through many years was a blessing. The amount of connection I had with my peers and Christ over these 36 hours is an experience that I will never forget and will continue to impact me for the rest of my life.” -Andrew, Senior

“This year was my second time going on the Journey. It was great getting to make new friends and form new relationships with people I had never known before. I loved getting to disconnect from the world and focus on God with the people around me. It truly was an impactful experience for me.” -Addie, Senior

“The Journey was a life-changing experience and I’m so glad I went on this trip. I strengthened my relationship with God and my friends from just one amazing day. I’d recommend the Journey to anyone.” Emma, Sophomore

We were very blessed to hear of so many of the conversations that students had with each other and different leaders as a result of the different things they were taught over this time. If you know of a student that went on The Journey, ask them what they learned. If you know an adult that went with us, please thank them for their time and investment in the Next Generation.

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