September 30, 2022

Corporate Prayers September 2022


Heavenly Father, we thank you for gathering us together today as your church. We stand together united under the banner of the gospel proclaiming your glory to one another and all who join us. Your church is a gift and we are thankful to be a part of it. Yet, sometimes we so easily forget the glory and the goodness you've shared with us through your church. We sit under the preached word and tune out or reject its teachings. We pick the parts we like, we ditch the stuff we don't care for, and some days we exit through the back unaffected by your word. At times, we come to your table not as humble servants with hearts overflowing with gratitude, but with pride or without any contrition. Forgive us. Lord forgive us for our apathy towards your church and its blessings. Forgive us for hearing your word, but not allowing it to examine us and change us. Forgive us for coming to your table as if it's no big deal that maybe our hearts are a little messed up or even with the sense that we deserve to be there. Spirit we pray you would continue to work in us to hear and savor the word. To let it affect us, deeply. To repent and seek your work to set our hearts right as we come to your table and feast. To treasure the gift of your church and our life in it. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Loving God,
We give you thanks and bless your name this morning, for you are so very good to us. By Your Word, the heavens were made, and by your breath all of its creation. You promise to be with us, to strengthen and to help us, and to uphold us with your righteous right hand. You take us by the hand and in your mercy, you gather up all of our brokenness, and you make us whole.

Lord, many here this morning come broken, hurting, and weary. Weary from the weight of this world around us, and weary from the weight of the sins that we carry. We are a people who constantly turn from your ways and look toward our own. Please forgive us and help us to seek you and your ways, Lord. Teach us to satisfy the longing of our hearts with your perfect love, Lord God. A love so great that you sent your only Son to a death on a cross so that we could have the blessing of eternal life with you in HEAVEN. What a blessing indeed!

Holy Spirit, open the eyes and the hearts of every person here this morning and allow each one to realize the depth of your love for them. I pray that each person here would take hold of your hand and allow your mighty arms to be their shelter and protector; healer and redeemer. For it is in Jesus’ Name that we gather today, and in his beautiful name that we pray all of these things this morning. Amen.

Father God,  

You are far stronger, far wiser, far more gracious, merciful, and loving than our human hearts can comprehend. You created us to be one with you and yet we chose the shiny ways of this world, to our own destruction, over the perfect ways you instructed for us. And we do this each and every day. This sin created a separation from you that nothing we could do could ever mend.

But God in your great grace, and in your amazing love, you sent your son Jesus to live a blameless life, one that we could not, to die a death that we deserved, not he, and he overcame death by rising from the grave on the third day and making us right with you forever.

Thank you, God, for your amazing saving grace. Thank you, Jesus, for your sacrifice and atonement for our sins, and thank you Holy Spirit for enabling us to live lives as we are commanded in your holy word.

Change our hearts today to be more like you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Lord, we come before you tired and needy, grasping for the touch of your robe to heal, cleanse, and forgive. We worship you today and we are reminded of your goodness and faithfulness as we sing these songs but we are also reminded Lord of how we have not been good or faithful to you or each other as you have called us to. Sin has impacted every aspect of our lives. We have been the recipient of someone else's sin issues and we have also hurt others with ours. Search our hearts now and show us those areas where we need forgiveness and healing. Help us to also forgive one another through the power of your spirit working in us. We so often can’t forgive and we desperately need you to work in us. Forgiveness is hard. We like to hold onto hurt letting it define us. But it is bondage. For we are set free when we forgive others the way you have forgiven us. Let us be known in our community as a forgiving people that displays the gospel through our love. Thank you Lord for the ultimate act of forgiveness through your son, Jesus Christ. It is him we worship today. Amen.


Father, we praise your mighty and awesome name this morning. You are good and holy and right and true. You are the only one worthy of our worship.

Father, we confess that we do not always put you first in our lives. We do not always worship you alone. We often put man-made idols or the latest concern of the day at the forefront of our hearts. We chase after people and things that we think will fill a void in our lives and make us happy. Forgive us Lord for chasing after temporary things. For thinking we know what’s best for us, for thinking we are wiser than you, for thinking we know how to satisfy our deepest desires.

Father, we are so thankful that you forgive us time and time again. We are overjoyed that you take our brokenness, our poor choices and our unholiness and turn them into something beautiful for your glory and for our good. We thank you for your son’s sacrifice so that you see his righteousness when you look upon us. Please continue to sanctify us and make us into the people you desire us to be. Lord, give us strength to run our race well and live as your chosen people. Thank you for your patience when we are impatient, your faithfulness when we are unfaithful, your steadfastness when we are wavering, and your love when we are unloving.

Please bless our time together this morning and prepare our hearts to hear your word. In your name we pray, Amen.

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