February 6, 2023

The Power of Thank You

Written by: Ed Grable, Life Group Director

As the Life Group Director for almost five years, one thing I can say with confidence is that our Life Group leaders are outstanding. The Life Group Team meets weekly, and I often hear about how our groups are growing spiritually and relationally. However, it is what I don't hear that makes me smile. I don't hear about group conflicts or that someone has not felt cared for. These things could still be happening and the coaches are unaware, but my experience is that groups with these issues don't keep them hidden long. Why do I bring this up? The reason our groups are so good is that they have fantastic leaders and it is vital to let your leaders know you appreciate their leadership in your group. So my challenge for you is to let your leader know you are thankful for them. It can be as simple as a phone call or text, or you could send them a note in the mail. So often, we can unintentionally take the leaders in our life for granted. I know I’m guilty of this. I found a list that shows many things our Life Group leaders do. There are some we may know, and a few that may surprise us. The last two are ones that I see for me personally. 

  • They willingly sacrifice their time and energy to bring others closer to Jesus.
  • They genuinely want the best for others.
  • They create a place where spiritual growth can happen.
  • They dare to have hard conversations.
  • They fight for their people and their group.
  • They spend time praying for their group.
  • They love and care for the hurting.
  • They celebrate together.
  • They challenge me to be a better leader.
  • I see Jesus in them.

If you are a leader reading this, thank you for all you do to lead our groups well! Know you are loved and appreciated! Charlie Mike!

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