August 24, 2020

Attributes of God - A Great Resource for Kidway Families


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I have always loved learning more about God’s attributes. It’s amazing to see how many ways God is described throughout the Bible, how many different names and characteristics He has. I have found that dwelling on and meditating on God’s characteristics can change my perspective and leave me in awe of who He is rather than thinking negatively about my circumstances.

It’s important for us as parents to teach our children about God’s attributes, as well. We need to teach our kids that they can trust the character of God even when they don’t like their circumstances. (I need to regularly remind myself, too!) Our kids also need to know WHO God is and WHY He is trustworthy. By giving our children an understanding of the characteristics of God, their identities can be rooted firmly in His identity and they can then reflect the image of God to others and be a bright light in this dark world.

I recently came across a helpful resource for parents called The Attributes of God for Kids by Lydia White. This is a devotional for children and parents to read together. It is divided into ten incommunicable (unique) attributes of God and twelve communicable (moral) attributes of God. Each chapter focuses on a single attribute with a concise definition. The readings are simple and short and they include fun questions, colorful illustrations, and a few low-prep activities to engage children as they learn each attribute. As you read the book together, your children will learn that God is not only real, knowable, and personal, but He is also unchanging, eternal, and infinite. God is wise and loving and will remain faithful so we can fully put our trust in Him! Please join me in teaching the next generation about God and His amazing attributes!