August 23, 2021

How Are Kids Being Discipled at Gateway Church?




Have you ever wondered what the kids at Gateway are learning on Sunday mornings?

At its heart, kids ministry is about one thing: discipleship. It’s about helping the youngest people attending our church discover, know, and love Jesus - and learn that they can share Jesus with others, too! In Kidway, we use a curriculum called The Gospel Project to help connect kids and leaders to the big story of Scripture. The lessons that we use on a weekly basis help us fulfill this unique and essential ministry in our church.

One thing I love about The Gospel Project is that it cycles through the whole Bible every 3 years. So if your child begins in Kidway in the preschool classes and continues attending regularly through the end of middle school, they will have had the opportunity to go through the whole Bible 3 times! The first Sunday of September, we will be starting a new 3 year cycle and begin again in the book of Genesis. Each session is designed to help kids learn the big story of Scripture and come to understand who Jesus is. Another cool thing about this curriculum is that it teaches the same lesson to the preschoolers as it does to the 8th graders. All our children from our 2 year old class all the way through our Middle School class at both campuses use The Gospel Project. Obviously the preschool lessons are more basic compared to the Middle School lessons, but they are all learning the same thing each Sunday in a meaningful, age-appropriate way.

In our preschool classes, the kids spend a few minutes in “Wiggle Worship” where they sing songs and praise Jesus together. They also learn about the weekly Bible story during this time. Our elementary children have “Large Group” where they worship together and have a time of Bible teaching before breaking up into smaller, grade-level groups to review and dig deeper into the lesson.

We are so grateful for each and every one of our volunteers in Kidway who help us teach the truth to the children who come to Gateway! Would you like to be a part of connecting our children at Gateway to Jesus Christ and to one another? We have many needs still for this upcoming school year. Please prayerfully consider stepping up to serve and help our kids grow!

Kidway Serving Opportunities


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