April 11, 2022

The Power of a Personal Invitation

A few weeks ago, I met with someone, and they told me a great story about how they had moved for a job, and the house they moved into was right next door to a pastor. They became friends and did all kinds of things together. They were part of the festivities when there was a birthday, holiday, or just a nice day. He paused and then laughed and said the one thing that his neighbor never did was invite him to church. I thought the story was interesting, and before I could respond, he said they moved to another house in the same city, and the first week they were there, their new neighbor invited them to church. Not knowing the connection, they went. To their surprise, it was their old friend's church, and the guy who invited them was his brother. Talk about a cool story. I had to ask him why didn’t you go to the pastor's church when you were his neighbor. He didn’t miss a beat; he simply said he never asked. I laughed at his response and continued our conversation. After I left, I was reflecting on his story, and it got me thinking about my neighbor and the people who know I work at a church, but I have never invited them to join us on a Sunday morning. I’m just as guilty as the pastor my friend lived next to.

Research tells us that the number one key to getting people to attend your church is a personal invitation. So who do you know that you could invite to church? What is keeping you from asking? Is it the fear of rejection, or are you unsure how to ask? Don't worry; you are not alone. I found a great article written by the folks at Life Church where they address some of these fears and apprehensions. Check it out here. Now take what you have learned and ask that neighbor, friend, or family member to church this week. Please tell us your stories. There is such power in your interactions with others, and if you look close enough, you can often see God's fingerprints all over those moments.