July 1, 2022

Corporate Prayers


Heavenly Father, we thank for this joyful occasion where we can gather together as your people to sing and celebrate the gospel. Father, it points us to the person and work of Jesus Christ and in him we find all wisdom and all glory. And we need this, Lord, because in this age of these little black mirrors and search engines we are so taken with our own understanding of the world around us. We're so enamored of our own knowledge it leads us to so easily dismiss or fail to seek out the wisdom you give when we come to you. We forsake prayer. We don't seek your face. We plead with fools to give us insight. Instead of seeking the wisdom of your word, the wisdom found only in Christ, we look seemingly everywhere else. Father, forgive us. Forgive us for being so quick to trust ourselves and the knowledge we so perfectly curated for ourselves. For searching for wisdom in places it simply doesn't exist. And Spirit, we pray you would help us to seek the godly wisdom you give us in all our daily pursuits. First from Christ, and then from the godly people you've placed around us who also seek the same wisdom from on high. Help us to draw near to you and find a deeper, truer wisdom. It's in the wonderful name of Christ that we have gathered, and in his name we pray, Amen.


Loving God, We gather this morning to praise you, the maker of heaven and earth and giver of all good gifts. We praise your name for the greatest and most perfect gift: your son, our Lord Jesus Christ. We confess that many times we approach you with our mouths and our lips, when our hearts are not in worship. We confess that we offer to you that which costs us little. Though you are a great King, we often bring to you the leftovers of our time, energy, gifts, and worship. We have neglected your commands when it is inconvenient for us to keep them. We have disregarded our neighbors’ needs, and wondered aloud why other people do not meet our needs. Father, have mercy on us! Forgive us our many debts! Cleanse us and give us the mind and heart of your Son, who came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. He is our only hope in this broken and hurting world, and it is in his beautiful name that we pray all of these things this morning...


Father, you are holy, glorious and worthy of our praise. We bow our hearts before you humbly asking that you would hear us.  We acknowledge that we don’t deserve nor have we earned your affection, but the truth that’s even better is that you want to be near us. Father, you are faithful. You pursue and seek after us even as we run from you and seek our own desires. You are merciful. You don’t give us what we deserve. You give us life instead of death. And you are constant. You never change or stray from your covenant with your people. You are steadfast. Your love for us is not altar’d based on our behavior or performance and we are so thankful for we are swayed and moved by every shifting sand.  Chasing after approval and love in our jobs , our talents, relationships and social status because deep down something tells us we need to be accepted and loved. But we will never find it in these things so we ask your forgiveness and help us to rest in the one who knows our fragile frame and chose us anyway, Jesus Christ. We worship and adore you today. Amen


Father God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for this place to worship you. It is an indescribable joy to be a people made in your image. You created everything in this world, and it was beautiful and good. You created us and it was very good. But we turned from you, and we do so today, from Adam and Eve to us. And our sin creates a separation from you that we cannot close. But you loved us so much that you sent your one and only son Jesus to live a perfect life that we could not live and do die a sacrificial death that we deserve. Because of his sacrifice, his death, and ultimately his resurrection and defeat of Satan, Sin, and Death, we are made right with you. For that abounding mercy and grace that is far beyond what we deserve and so much more, we love you and we thank you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Lord, you are our solid, unchanging rock . . . a secure anchor for us in the storm . . . a high-walled fortress in times of trouble . . . a strong shield that protects us from the flaming arrows of the enemy.  Though our circumstances constantly change, you do not.  Though the storms of this life toss us to and fro, you remain steadfast.  Though trouble visits us on a regular basis, it cannot penetrate your defense.  Though the enemy attacks us, you guard our hearts and minds.

Lord, we often forget how strong and good and right you are.  Forgive us for letting anxiety and worry and doubt and fear consume us and overwhelm our thoughts and feelings.  Father, we get so caught up in our own thoughts and concerns that we forget to turn to you, the creator of the universe who works all things for the good of those who love you.  Lord, we know in our hearts that you are bigger than any problem we may have.  Why do we not immediately lay them at your feet?  Please, help us to run to you and lay our burdens at your throne.

God, thank you for caring for us and loving us and fighting for us.  Thank you for showing us the greatest form of your love in sending your son to this earth to live a perfect life and die as the perfect sacrifice.  Lord, you make a way, when there is no way.  You make the impossible, possible.  Father, help us to cling to you and your truth in every situation, every day of our lives.  In your powerful name we pray, Amen.