June 22, 2022

By: Lauren Shivers and Becca Green

We had a successful week of VBS! Our theme was Spark Studios: Created in Christ, Designed for God’s Purpose. Our key verse was Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.” The children learned how God has a master plan, designed us uniquely for his purpose and how Jesus fulfilled God’s plan to save us. God was present every step of the way, providing an abundance of volunteers, holding severe weather, and opening children’s hearts to hear about the love of Jesus. Throughout the week we had 406 kids walk through our doors! Praise God! We also had nearly 200 volunteers and many very generous donors who gave supplies and money to help make our VBS a success. Thank you to all who contributed their time, talents, and donations!

As our missions focus this year, we collected school supplies and money for the Grow Center at Resurrection Church Beirut in Lebanon. Over $1700 was collected as well as 692 school items such as markers, crayons, glue, and scissors. A team from Gateway Church will be traveling to Lebanon at the end of June and will hand carry all the supplies that were collected. What a huge blessing that will be for the Grow Center! Thank you Gateway families for your generosity and outpouring of love toward Resurrection Church Beirut!