September 12, 2022

A Simple Invite

Ed Grable, Life Group Director

Do you remember your first time coming to Gateway? I attend our North Main Campus and have been surprised by the many new people we have seen over the last few weeks, especially the college students. So I asked one of them why they chose to join us. Her answer was so simple but profound in the same breath. She said we just invited them. As I paused to process what she said, I noticed others in the room who were there because they had been invited. Some had been a part of our faith family for years, but they would tell you that they had someone personally invite them way back then. While others in the room had been coming for a short time, they were there because someone simply asked them if they wanted to go to church. Stop and think for a moment about how you were connected to Gateway for the first time. Who invited you? Did someone take the time to help you find a church home? Or maybe there is someone that you need to bring to church some Sunday. I know it can be hard these days but a few months ago, Pastor Josh shared some statistics with us that people invite conversations on faith, even atheists. So all you have to do is ask. Some of the most remarkable men and women of the faith will tell you the only reason they found Jesus was someone personally invited them to church. Who knows, the lives that might be changed for his glory might be one of your coworkers, family members, or friends. If you are still struggling or don't know where to start, check out this Life.Church article as it is a great resource full of tips that might help.