June 19, 2024

Hearing from Our Life Groups

Written by: Joe Sherrieb, Life Group Director

We've received some amazing feedback from our recent Life Group survey that I just had to share. I am so encouraged to hear about how our groups are leaning into God’s Word and caring for one another.

First off, out of the 252 people who filled out the survey (that’s way more than we anticipated!), 88% said their Life Group has helped them grow significantly or moderately in their walk with God this past season. A whopping 98% reported that the Bible and its application were the main focus during the Life Group's discussion time. 

An overwhelming majority of the responses talked about how their Life Group was like a personal cheerleading squad — always there with prayer and support during various circumstances. And get this – 76% said they pray for their Life Group at least once a week, with 60% saying they pray for their group members multiple times per week. That’s a whole lot of interceding!

When asked what people love most about their groups, the top three answers were:

  1. closeness and care
  2. the ability to dive deep into God’s Word together
  3. the vulnerability, authenticity, and honesty during discussion time

And here are a few golden nuggets of feedback that truly showcase what Life Groups are all about:

“Our Life Group is so supportive and encouraging. I've received text messages just checking in and offering encouragement throughout the year. During our move, they each provided a meal for our family to help with the transition over the holidays. It was SO appreciated. I know they are all praying for our family as well, which means a lot.”

“They have welcomed us into their group with open arms. Kristin & Scott took us out to eat before we started in order to meet with us 2-on-2, and it was just lovely. I really appreciate the extra time they took to get to know us. Group members often reach out individually with encouraging text messages.”

“My wife and I had a stressful pregnancy, and they were always there for us. Whether it was bringing coffee or a meal on a bad day or just a call/text to check up on a good day, they seemed to always show they cared. They even started a meal train for us so we wouldn't have to worry about dinner.”

“I was really sick in January and my husband was away for work – the ladies in my LG brought me dinner every night that week to help me care for myself and my 5 kids.”

“My Life Group is there for me when I need anything, literally and spiritually. They have shown me ways I can grow in my faith and have been judgment-free when I share my thoughts about the Bible and my struggles.”

There’s nothing like being in a part of a Life Group of like-minded people hungry for God’s Word who care for one another like family! I am so encouraged by how God is moving and will continue to move in our Life Groups, drawing others close to himself.

If you are not yet in a Life Group and are interested in experiencing the joy of being a part of one, please fill out this Life Group Request Form. We’d love to get you connected during our Life Group Launch in the fall!