May 15, 2023

Ramadan Prayer Wrap Up

Written by: Go Team

Gateway Church’s Go Team would like to thank everyone who participated in praying for Muslims during Ramadan. We will not know this side of eternity as to the effects of our prayers, but God assures us that he does work through the prayers of his people if we pray according to his will and desire. Just take a look at what God did for Peter through the prayers of his people in Acts 12:1-17. He certainly desires to see Muslims put their faith in Jesus and his provision for them through the cross (John 12:32).

In wrapping up our campaign for this year, I would like to share an article from SEND International which shows how easily you can present the claims of Jesus in your friendships here in Findlay. Muslims love to talk about God and will most likely try to convince you to be a Muslim! Friendships with Muslims very easily involve discussions of faith and truth. We encourage you to engage in those conversations with your Muslim friends. If you would like to learn more about how to engage with Muslims, we suggest you obtain Loving Your Muslim Neighbor by Tim and Miriam Harris. This is a very readable book of wisdom, tips and instruction on how to share Jesus with Muslims, naturally and culturally appropriately. It is a collection of many short stories from the Harris’ encounters with Muslims over the past 2 decades. If you cannot obtain a copy via Amazon, just ask the Go Department and we will get you one. Thank you for praying and don’t forget to share the love that you have received in Jesus!

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