March 9, 2023

To Take a Break or Not

Written by: Ed Grable, Life Group Director

A few years ago, the Life Group ministry suggested that groups take a break in the summer and referred to it as a "summer sabbath." The intention was to help prevent burnout and lessen the frustration of not having everyone show up, because of their busy schedules. So if your group needs a break, by all means take one. But if the summer is a great time for your group to grow closer to each other, then keep right on meeting. We have seen groups meet in the park, go hiking or kayaking together, while other groups have enjoyed pool parties or axe throwing. My hope is that you will look forward to connecting with the people in your group on a regular basis. I believe this is one way we carry out our mission here at Gateway Church of connecting people to Jesus Christ and one another. I know it is still March and summer seems so long away, but start talking about this as a group now and come up with a plan. Remember, if you do a social event, please invite your coach. We would love to hang out and get to know you all a little better. Here is to a great summer of growing in our faith and friendships.