May 25, 2020

Keeping Your Family Safe Online




Do you feel like you and your family have been looking at a screen more in the last two months than you were before? I know I have been, most of my meetings are virtual. Ministry to Parents put out a great resource to help keep your family stay safe online. In this graphic (on the right), it gives some great tips to set up your family well to be online.

We had previously written a Gate article to help you set up some safety measures, you can read that here. There is also a video in this article that would be great to watch with your children on a few things to watch out for when they are online.

In another article that Ministry to Parents wrote, they go over some tips to help you be able to know what kids are doing on their devices. Some of the tips include the following: knowing the kids’ email addresses they are using (they provide how to know what email addresses are connected to that device); what a finsta is; a calculator app is sometimes used for a private storage, and that private browsing is hidden searches. Find out more here.

We hope you find this information useful and help your family being online.

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